Website Note - Website Upgrade
Welcome to the new website for WDCTA. We're still "unpacking" as we "move in" to the new site, there may be a few links here and there that are not working yet, so if you are having problems, please drop a note to Stephanie.
Benefits of a Business Membership
Become a Business Member of WDCTA and enjoy these benefits:
- A monthly listing and business card ad in the eQuester, published 12 issues per year (email or mail to Newsletter Editor)
- Your business logo on the WDCTA website with a link to your website (email logo to Webmaster). If you have an unusually large file, please email the newsletter editor before sending.
- Your business banner displayed on the WDCTA website (email banner to Webmaster), a $300 value! The banner ads on the bottom of this website shall be no larger than 300x300 pixels, and can be a .jpg, .gif, or .png. See example below, and banners on the bottom of each page:
- Stable, Instructor, Breeder & Business listings in both the eQuester and on the WDCTA website (email SIBB information to Newsletter Editor).
Sign Up for 2024 Awards
Don't miss your opportunity to earn awards during the 2024 show season. WDCTA makes it easy to sign up, just fill out our convenient online application(s) and submit your payment through Paypal. You may also download and send in your application and payment via US Mail.
Awards are offered for Traditional and Western Dressage, as well as Eventing. Links to the eforms are available along the top menu under Resources, or if you 'd like to print the form and mail it with your payment, you may find the registration PDFs on our Forms page under Resources - Forms. Rules can also be found through our FORMS page.
Becky Bebber-Wells Named WDCTA Member of the Year
Becky Bebber-Wells was named the 2023 WDCTA Member of the Year. She was nominated by Mary Hanneman and the board approved. Here’s what Mary wrote about Becky:
Becky deserves to be acknowledged for her contributions to WDCTA for the following reasons:
When WDCTA’s Southwest Chapter had no one step up to take over the role of chapter president beginning Dec. 1, 2020, after our long-serving president retired, chapter members thought it would have no other recourse but to dissolve the chapter.
This would have been unfortunate in many ways, but primarily because the chapter had signed a contract with Olympian Laura Graves and paid a substantial down payment for her to teach a dressage symposium during the fall of 2020. The symposium was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. Dissolving the chapter would have meant breaking the contract with Laura and losing the chapter’s deposit. Thankfully, Becky stepped up to take the reins as SW Chapter President.