The Stable, Instructor, Breeder and Business Listings are a benefit of being a WDCTA member. Join today so you can take advantage of this feature!
Please note that the fourth category, "Business Listings," are for Retail Businesses such as Feed Stores, Tack Shops, Truck or Trailer sales, Farm Equipment, Insurance, Saddle Fitting, Fencing companies and others not covered by our Stable, Instructor, or Breeder listings. We will not list Stables, Instructors, or Breeders in the Business "Listing" section (duplication).
Duplicate submissions will be considered a donation to WDCTA.
These listings are provided as a service to WDCTA members. It is not an endorsement of any member or their services. WDCTA reserves the right to refuse any listings.
Banner Ads: Please consider a banner ad to further advertise your business! It's affordable and easy! The banners on the right-hand side of this website are 600x450 pixels, and can be a .jpg, .gif, or .png and link directly to your website. For more information on placing a banner ad on our website, please see our Ad Rates.
This form uses PayPal as the only method of payment. If you do not want to complete your listing and pay using PayPal, please download and complete the hardcopy form and mail it with your check. Please do not complete this form without going through the PayPal process. Forms received without payment will not be considered complete and valid, and are discarded by our server.
If you are a Business Member you should have included your SIBB information with your business membership application. If you use this form you will be required to pay through Paypal. Questions? Contact the Membership Chair.
Business Cards and ads for the eQuester should be sent via email to Banner ads for the website should be emailed to the webmaster at
The asterik (*) denotes a required field.
For problems with this form please contact the WDCTA Webmaster. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.