USDF Adopts Safe Sport Policy
Source - USDF
The USDF has adopted the USEF Safe Sport Policy, promoting the safety and welfare of horses and riders. The intent of the USDF Safe Sport Initiative is to provide information, resources, and a protocol so that all members of the equestrian community have awareness, tools, and a support structure to ensure a safe and positive environment for equestrians to develop their skills.
The USEF and USDF depends on the eyes and ears of its athletes, coaches, and designees to support its Safe Sport policies. It is requested that all who participate in equestrian sport become familiar with the content of the Safe Sport Policy Handbook and be mindful of its guidelines during training sessions and competitions.
Members of the equestrian community are also encouraged to complete the Safe Sport module to further their education in this area. This module is open to anyone and is free of charge.
For further information on the USDF Safe Sport Initiative, contact
For further information on the USEF Safe Sport Policy, visit the USEF Website or contact a member of the Athlete Protection Team.
USEF/ USDF Safe Sport Initiative
Sources: USDF, US Equestrian, US Center for Safe Sport (Press Release)
On February 14, 2018, S. 534 was signed into law by the 115th Congress, and became effective immediately.
The bill amends two federal statutes: (1) the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 and (2) the Amateur Sports Act of 1978.
The bill amends the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 to extend the duty to report suspected child abuse, including sexual abuse, within 24 hours to certain adults who are authorized to interact with minor or amateur athletes at a facility under the jurisdiction of a national governing body. A “national governing body” means an amateur sports organization that is recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.
The USDF has adopted the USEF Safe Sport Policy, promoting the safety and welfare of horses and athletes. USDF is committed to providing information, resources, and a protocol so that all members of the equestrian community have awareness, tools, and a support structure to ensure a safe and positive environment for equestrians to develop their skills.
The USEF and USDF depend on the eyes and ears of its athletes, coaches, and designees to support its Safe Sport policies. It is requested that all who participate in equestrian sport become familiar with the content of the USEF Safe Sport Policy, the U.S. Center for Safe Sport’s Safe Sport Code, complete the Safe Sport Training modules, and be mindful of its guidelines during training sessions and competitions.
Click Read More to read this notice in entirety.